Saturday, October 22, 2011

my pledge to him

i won't use your shoe to kill the spiders.  
i will share my fries with you when you've 
finished all yours and are still hungry.  
i will eat the onions when we order the supreme pizza.  
i will not laugh when your tummy growls and 
gurgles, but will instead growl back. 
i will try my hardest not to be annoyed when 
you beat me at children's card games. 
i will be the big spoon sometimes.  
i will kiss your finger if you smoosh it in a door.
i will wear that lotion you like that you 
think smells really good. 
i will send you random texts and put silly gifts 
on your windowsill and leave you wondering
how i scaled the outside of your dorm 
to the fourth floor to do so.  
i will remind you to eat so you don't forget and
bake you lots of cookies when you do. 
i will let you win in mario kart and brawl.  
other times, i will not.  
i won't ever smack you.  
i will always let you know i respect you, 
even when i'm teasing you.  
i will hold your hand.
i will like you a whole bunch.