Saturday, March 3, 2012


Currently, my life is in a state of transition.  Or maybe more accurately, a state of hiatus.  My life consists of failed job searches and crafting from my dwindling supplies.  I'm almost out of clay and I'm lacking in wire.  Every day is a push to keep myself from going insane from a lack of things to do.  I must have rearranged my room thirty times by now.  I've become almost meticulous at keeping my room clean, if only for the reason that cleaning gives me something to do.

I've angered one of my best friends again.  I seem to be getting good at that.  We were doing so well too; we'd finally started mending the cracks that were left from this summer.  We were talking, joking, and enjoying each other's friendship again.  But then a misunderstanding happened, and suddenly I'm back on his list of people to ignore. 

It's kinda funny, in a sad, sad way, how all it takes to destroy something good is a misunderstanding.  Such a simple, small thing that causes so much damage.  It's truly a shame, that the one thing I'm skilled at is causing such detrimental misunderstandings.  Some people can sing, some paint, some are athletic.  My skill is making people mad at me.  And I do it so flawlessly.