Thursday, June 7, 2012

Neat DIY Tutorials

One of the goals I have this summer is to start crafting more.  I already make jewelry, but I want to branch out more and start on making my own clothes, accessories, home decor, nail art, baked goods and such.  I feel like this summer I should focus on two things:  making money for college in the fall, and recreating myself.  Too long I've forgone exploring my style, instead settling for black t-shirts and jeans hoodies and sneakers.  I think part of the reason why I did that was because I was uncomfortable in my own skin.  Black was slimming, and I felt I needed all the help I could get in that department.  Jeans and sneakers were comfy and neutral and safe, and hoodies helped me hide my body from the rest of the world.  

I don't know what's brought on this sudden craving to outwardly come out of my fashion shell.  I guess I can't really call it sudden, it's been building for a while.  Maybe I feel the need to establish myself as my own person in my group of friends. Maybe losing forty pounds has given me the confidence to feel better about my body.  Maybe it's just time:  I'm getting older, and need to stop dressing like I'm fifteen.  Regardless of the reasons why, I've been experiencing a growing curiosity concerning fashion and how it can relate to me.  I have even, believe it or not, started looking into skirts and dresses as future possibilities.  

I'm not sure what my style really is.  A good friend of mine has told me that my personal style leans toward the boheme, while others have considered me to be an edgy rockette.  I guess I'm a mixture of both.  Anyway, I've found some great tutorials on the internet that have piqued my interest, and I think I'll share some of them here.

This first skirt didn't actually have a tutorial to go with it, but I found it interesting nonetheless.  Besides the blaringly obvious fact that it is R2-D2 in skirt form, and therefore amazing, I like the design of the skirt itself. I think it's cute, and I like the wide waistband.

These jean cut offs with lace sides are really simple and easy to make, yet I think they're really cute and stylish.  Anyone who knows me would be shocked at the realization that I'm considering making and actually wearing these (I don't think I've worn girls shorts that weren't for sleeping in several years),  but I think this might be one of my first projects.  They don't require much sewing, and they would be easy to make.

I think this t-shirt is absolutely adorable.  You make it by using two t-shirts, one your size and one bigger, and I love the way it turns out.  You can use t-shirts that are the same color, or you can use different colors, or different prints, or or, the possibilities are endless!  It's also flattering for people who don't have wide hips (like me), and could help give me a more hourglass figure.

This shirt was made from silk scarves!  How cute is that?  I love how pretty it looks.  I'm dying to make this shirt out of the Final Fantasy VII silk scarves I saw somewhere.  Maybe someday...

This top is really neat.  It's got that edgy look I like and I think it's kinda sexy.

And these leggings would look great paired with the above top and some cut off or tattered jeans.

When I was a child, every year when we went to the Renaissance Festival, I would get a flower wreath headband, and I would be so freaking excited about it.  And even as an adult I still am.  These are just so precious.  I wouldn't even begin to know when I would wear one, but I can't help but want to make one anyway.

This is a hula hoop rug.  What more could you ask for?  I think it would look lovely in teal and brown.

These diy galaxy jeans are just amazing.  I haven't read the tutorial yet, so I don't know how hard it is to do, but I want to try it regardless.  You can also use the same technique to galaxify (I make up words) other things, like messenger bags and shoes.

Here's a simple tutorial for a dress or shirt.  I like this design because it's flattering for my body type, and is super simple to make.  

Here are the links to the tutorials: