Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Beginning

Oh dear, I appear to have started a blog on a friend's whim.  Here I sit, with a glass of milk and nothing to write about.  How awkward.

Well I guess I'll start with telling you (the reader) a little about myself (the blogger).  Let's see... I'm a college student studying psychology, I have a cat (I used to have another cat, but just this day she was given away.  I'm still om nom nommin' on chocolate chips to make myself feel better about it).  When I'm not shuffling around in tall grass fighting Pokemon, level grinding in the woods before the final boss, or doing the same old thing with my friends and not getting tired of it, I make Polymer clay and wire jewelry that [cue shameless plug] I sell online with a friend at our online shop JasuraDesigns on Etsy at [end shameless plug]

Now that all that boring stuff is done, I guess I'll do five interesting facts about myself.  Or maybe they aren't interesting at all.  Or maybe some will find them interesting, and some won't care.  Would that make them semi-interesting?  Okay then, here we go:

My Five Semi-Interesting Facts About Myself:

1.) Of my many, many fears (including heights, the dark, closed spaces, and mannequins), one of the things I'm most frightened of is parking garages.  I'm not particularly sure why this is.  It's rather weird, but when I enter one I start panicking and cry.  It's rather embarrassing, actually, and I feel awkward every time I go to the doctor because we have to park in one and I end up all jumpy and puffy-eyed in the doctor's office.

2.)  I adore playing video games.  I'm a binge gamer with game systems, where I pick up a game and play non-stop, not remembering to stop and eat or drink something or sleep for about four or five days, or until I get stuck, and then I set the game down and don't touch it for a few months.  With handhelds I'm a bit more consistent.  I'll pick up and play my handheld for at least a half hour a day, some days as much as seven hours a day.  I guess I'm more consistent with handhelds because they're much more convenient, easily carried with you and they don't need to be plugged into a t.v. and such.

3.)  For all that I adore video games, I'm rather terrible at them.  I hardly ever finish one.  Never finished a Legend of Zelda game, never finished a Final Fantasy Game (unless you actually count X-2, which most people don't).  I'm rather mediocre for a gamer, and always reach a point where I get thoroughly stuck and end up either stopping the game or getting someone to clear that part for me (thank you, Kev, for beating up the sky temple for me!).  I usually end up just stopping though.  I also am more likely to finish a handheld game than a system game, probably because I play them more consistently.

4.)  I have an Eternal Rival.  His name is Mr. Collier.  He seems to believe this blog does not exist.  He also seems to believe that I wouldn't have anything interesting to blog about.  And he's right.  I don't have anything interesting to blog about.  Unfortunately for Mr. Collier, he's one of my uninteresting things I'm talking about for lack of something interesting to talk about.  Anyways, I do I am owed an apology by Mr. Collier for doubting my blog's existence.  And it's your move, kid.

5.)  Oh drat.  I can't think of anything else.  Hmmm...  Well, up until last fall I worked at a dog boarding kennel.  I started working there in the beginning of high school, and I couldn't imagine a better high school part time job.  It was exhausting, and tough, and rewarding.  Like me. :)

Well, one of the reasons I started this blog is because a close friend told me she started a blog, and something in her blog stuck out to me.  She talked about how she decided to get into Magic: the Gathering.  She didn't do this because she had wanted to, but because her boyfriend was interested in it, and she wanted to try to understand his interests to understand him better, and be closer to him.  And I thought that's really cool.  It also got me thinking, and made me realize that I'm rather close-minded when it comes to stuff my friends are interested in.  I have the tendency to repeatedly turn down invitations to play a game with my friends because I don't know how to play, and/or am not interested in learning.  And that's not very fair of me.  They aren't just inviting me to play a game, they're inviting me to spend time with them, get to know a part of them.  And I've been turning it down.  So, I've decided to take on a bit of a challenge, and for each of my close friends, I'll try and get into something they really like.  I may try it and end up loving it, I may try it and end up hating it and never do it again,  but I'm done not giving something new a chance.  I'm going to start with studying up on the rules for the Yugioh card game (even if this game is a load of bullocks).  I hope that by doing this, it will open me up and help me stop losing valuable bonding time with friends because I don't like the activity.  And who knows, maybe I'll get a few new favorite hobbies.

Comment Question of the Day:   Is there something you've either wanted to try, and never did, or feel you should try?  What is it?

1 comment:

  1. Yay! This blog exist, and I am super happy about it's existence! Huzzah!
