Thursday, December 15, 2011

Slamming Doors

Well, I'm done my fall semester, and Christmas break is officially here.  And here I am, two in the morning, lounging around in my room at the new house (which is FINALLY somewhat clean after coming home with all my college stuff to find it completely wrecked).  I'm weary and my body aches from cleaning and packing all day yesterday, and moving furniture and cleaning MORE when I got home.  But despite that, I feel completely at ease.  I'm not so much sleepy as I am relaxed. I feel like I'm floating, the sounds of the room coming to me kinda muted and mellow like I'm hearing it underwater.  The whirring of my laptop, and the planes flying nearby, and the soft snoring of my boyfriend from my floor where he crashed before making it to the couch, are all serving to lull me off into a contented state of total relaxation.  And right now I can't help but think about how wonderfully blessed my life has become, and how thankful I am for all the things, even the seemingly bad things, that led me to this place.  I'm starting to realize that sometimes even the most painful events can be a blessing in disguise.  That, had those painful things never happened, I would've never had the amazing things I have now.  It's almost funny to me: I had been so upset from being hurt, when getting hurt was the best thing that could have happened to me.  I thought I was losing something good, when really bad things were getting out of my life so that great things could happen.  I was foolish, and attempted with all my might to hold onto the things that weren't good for me.  Now, looking back, I'm so thankful that those doors were slammed in my face.  Because I'm kinda silly sometimes, and if they hadn't been closed for me, I would have gone through them.  And if I had gone through them, I would never have experienced this happiness I feel now.  Happiness I could never have gotten on the other side of the slammed doors.  The happiness may have come about from really painful stuff, but to me, this happiness was worth it.

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