Friday, September 7, 2012


One of my favorite things about Autumn is the Renaissance Festival.  For those who don't know what it is, every year, from late August to late October, there's a festival held near Annapolis that is intended to celebrate the Renaissance of England.  There's period costumes and shops and shows and good food and it's just so amazing!  I've gone more times than I remember, with various friends and family.  

My favorite part of Rennfest has to be the shops.  There are a crazy amount of small shops, where you can buy anything from jewelry to tapestries to pots to face castings to honey.  There are plenty of clothing shops, where you can buy corsets and old style clothes, and leather stores to buy armor and accessories.  There's lots of different jewelry shops with beautiful pieces, and armories with weapons both fake and real.  There are healing shops and potters and so many others.  There's a moccasin shop that sells their leather scraps for cheap, and I make sure to stop by there every year.  One of my favorite shops is the coin press, where you can have your own personalized coin necklace made.

I have so many happy memories at Rennfest.  I remember going when I was young with Jessica, running around being mischievous and climbing the rock wall and having a blast.  I remember getting older and going with my friends by ourselves, seeing the shows and browsing the shops.  My first date ever, as in going out just the two of us, was to Rennfest, and I remember happily walking at his side and experiencing a fun day with him.  

As with many things, the older I get the more it loses it's magic.  I see the dirt and grime of what I used to think was a magic fairyland.  Someday, I may lose interest in Rennfest all together.  But as for now, it keeps bringing me back for more.

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